Sunday, January 26, 2020
Zancolli Classification Hand Function Scale
Zancolli Classification Hand Function Scale Zancolli classification hand function scale was formed by Eduardo Zancolli in 2003. He first used this scale in assessing the children with cerebral palsy who underwent reconstructive surgery. In this scale he explained about the grasping and release patterns between the wrist and fingers and hand appearance of the spastic children. He explained the hand appearance in degrees and that, degrees of extension can be measured using goniometer. The responses of the scale was scored as 0, 1, 1a, 2a, 2b and 3. Scoring: 0: Patients can extend the wrist more than 20 0 with the fingers extended. 1a: Patients can extend the wrist between 0 and 20 0 with the fingers extended 1b: Patients can extend the wrist between -200 and -10 with the fingers extended 2a: Patients can extend the wrist with the finger flexed. The fingers can also be extended, but with more than 20 0 of wrist flexion. 2b: Patients cannot extend the wrist with the finger flexed. The fingers can be extended, but with more than 200 of wrist flexion. 3: Extension of the fingers and wrist is impossible. Interpretation: Maximum score is 3 Minimum score is 0. The lowest score indicates no deformity and highest score indicates severe deformity. 3.8.3. Cryotherapy: The term cryotherapy comes from the Greek word cryo means cold and the word therapy means cure. It has been around since the 1880-1890s. The ancient Greeks knew the secrets of wellness Cryotherapy (Greek cryo cold, therapeia cure) is a term used for treatment based on exposing the human body to very low temperatures for brief periods at a time. Cryotherapy came into broad use in the care of sports injuries during the 1970s. Articles Needed: 1. A plinth to position the subject 2. Ice Packs 3. A stopwatch 4. Towels 2 5. Bowl with cotton ball 6. Spirit 7. Goniometer Procedure: Step 1: Explain the procedure to the care giver Step 2: Arrange all the articles Step 3: Prepare the child by removing the clothing from the elbow to fingers Step 4: Level of spasticity and hand function is assessed using Ashworth scale and zancolli classification hand function scale. Step 5: Wrap the ice pack in a wet towel. Step 6: The area is cleaned with spirit cotton and the upper limb of the child was positioned on pillow. Step 7: Place the wrapped pack on the flexor compartment of the forearm Step 8: Leave the pack in place with dry towel Step 9: After 5 minutes assess for any adverse effects like rashes. Step 10: The ice pack was applied for 20 minutes and then removed and dried Step 11: Make the child comfortable Step 12: Replace the articles Step 13: Level of spasticity and hand function is measured after 10 days. 3.9. HYPOTHESES H01: There is no significant difference between experimental group and control group in the level of spasticity and hand function before cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy. H1: There is a significant difference in the level of spasticity and hand function before and after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. H02: There is no significant difference in the level of spasticity and hand function before and after intervention among children with cerebral palsy of control group. H2: There is a significant difference between experimental and control group in the level of spasticity and hand function after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy. 3.10. PILOT STUDY Pilot study was conducted to find out feasibility and practicability, validity and reliability of the study. The study was conducted at Aashirwad special school for a period of 6 days. A total of 6 samples were selected for the study in simple random sampling technique. Personal information was collected. A pre assessment was done using Ashworth scale and Zancolli classification hand function scale followed that cryotherapy was administered by the researcher for 30 minutes daily for each child for a period of 6 days. Post test was done on the 6th day. Data collected was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The results showed that, there was a significant improvement in children after cryotherapy. Hence the study was feasible and practicable. 3.11. MAIN STUDY The main study was conducted to meet the objectives of the present study. The data was collected at Families for Children for a period of 30 days. The children were selected according to purposive sampling technique. Total of 30 samples were allocated alternatively into experimental and control group. The researcher explained the procedure to care givers of the children and obtained consent from the care givers. Demographic data was collected first. A pre assessment was done using Ashworth scale and Zancolli classification hand function scale for the children with cerebral palsy. Cryotherapy was administered to the child by the researcher for duration of 20 minutes daily for a period of 10 days to each child in a comfortable environment. The post test was done using the same tool at the end of 10th day of intervention. 3.12. TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION A frequency table was formulated for all significant information. Descriptive and inferential statistical method was used for data analysis. t test for dependent samples was used to find the significance of cryotherapy. t test for independent samples was used to find out the comparison of post test scores among experimental and control group. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The effectiveness of cryotherapy prior to passive stretching on the level of spasticity and hand function among children with CP was assessed and analyzed. The participants of the study were children with spastic cerebral palsy. Totally 30 samples were selected for the study and randomly divided into experimental and control group. The intervention selected for the present study was cryotherapy for 20 minutes before passive stretching on the level of spasticity and hand function. The level of spasticity was assessed before and after cryotherapy by using Ashworth scale. Hand function was assessed before and after cryotherapy using Zancolli classification hand function scale. The collected data were grouped and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. SECTION I 4.1. DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES The following demographic variables are distributed in the form of tables and graphs. The demographic variables are age (in years), sex and types of cerebral palsy among children with spastic cerebral palsy. TABLE 4.1. DISTRIBUTION OF DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY (N=30) Demographic Variables Experimental group Control group No. of participants Percentage (%) No. of participants Percentage (%) Age (years) 6-9 3 20 5 33 9-12 5 33 7 47 12-15 7 47 3 20 Sex Male 5 33 4 27 Female 10 67 11 73 Types of CP Diplegic 5 33 7 47 Quadriplegic 10 67 8 53 The table shows the distribution of demographic variables like age (years), sex, and type of CP that are children with spastic cerebral palsy. The age distribution children with spastic cerebral palsy range from 6-15 years in which 47% of children from experimental group range from 12-15 years and in control group they range from 9-12 years respectively. 20% of children from experimental group and control group range from 6-9 years and 12-15 years respectively. 33% of children from experimental group and control group range from 9-12 years and 6-9 years respectively. In both the group majority of children were female while 33% in experimental group and 27% in control group were male. In both groups, majority of children were quadriplegic while 33% in experimental group and 47% in control group were diplegic. FIG 4.1 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF CHILDREN WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY FIG 4.2 GENDER DISTRIBUTION OF CHILDREN WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY FIG 4.3 DISTRIBUTION OF TYPES OF CP AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY SECTION II 4.2. 1. ASSESSMENT ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY The ashworth scale consists of 5 point scale used to assess the level of spasticity among children with cerebral palsy in both experimental and control group. The assessment was done for both the hands before and after cryotherapy. TABLE 4.2. ASSESSMENT ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY (ON RIGHT HAND) AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY BEFORE AND AFTER CRYOTHERAPY (N=30) Level of spasticity Experimental group Control group Before After Before After n % n % n % n % No spasticity 1 3 Mild spasticity 1 3 11 37 2 7 2 7 Moderate Spasticity 14 47 3 10 13 43 13 43 The table shows that in experimental group majority of children with spasticity (47%) had moderate spasticity before the intervention whereas majority (37%) had mild spasticity after intervention. In control group there was no changes after intervention. The scores on comparison showed reduction in the level of spasticity among children with cerebral palsy on right hand. TABLE 4.3. ASSESSMENT ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY (ON LEFT HAND) AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY BEFORE AND AFTER CRYOTHERAPY (N=30) Level of spasticity Experimental group Control group Before After Before After n % n % n % n % No spasticity 1 3 Mild spasticity 1 3 12 40 2 7 6 20 Moderate Spasticity 14 47 3 10 13 43 9 30 The table shows that in experimental group majority of children with spasticity (47%) had moderate spasticity before the intervention whereas majority (40%) had mild spasticity after intervention. In control group majority (43%) had moderate spasticity before intervention and mild difference occurs after intervention. The scores on comparison show reduction in the level of spasticity among the experimental group children with cerebral palsy on left hand. 4.2.2. ASSESSMENT ON HAND FUCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY The zancolli classification hand function scale used to assess hand function among children with cerebral palsy in both experimental and control group. The assessment was done for both the hands before and after cryotherapy. TABLE 4.4. ASSESSMENT ON HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY BEFORE AND AFTER CRYOTHERAPY (N = 30) Hand Experimental Group Control Group Before After Before After Mean Mean% Mean Mean% Mean Mean% Mean Mean% Right 3.2 64 1.86 37 2.6 53 2.66 53 Left 3.1 62 1.7 34 2.73 55 2.53 51 Hand function on both right and left hand among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group shows that there was an improvement in hand function after intervention, when compared with the scores before intervention. In control group there was a mild changes in the right and left hand assessment scores after intervention. Thus the score reveals that the experimental group children had positive improvement in the hand function compared to control group children. SECTION III 4.3.1. COMPARISON ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP BEFORE INTERVENTION Before intervention, assessment on the level of spasticity and hand function was done among experimental and control group. The obtained scores were analyzed using t test for independent samples, to prove the effectiveness of the intervention. TABLE 4.5. COMPARISON ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY IN EXPERIMENTAL GROUP AND CONTROL GROUP BEFORE INTERVENTION Group Level of spasticity Hand function Right Hand Left hand Right Hand Left hand Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Experimental 2.26 57 0.5 0.3 2 50 0.51 1.2 3.2 64 0.84 1.6 3.1 45 0.83 0.4 Control 2.3 58 0.3 2.6 57 0.57 2.6 52 1 2.7 54 0.9 (N=30) The above table depicts the obtained t value calculated for the level of spasticity and hand function of experimental group and control group before intervention. The level of spasticity on right hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 57% (0.57) and the control group was 58% (0.3). The level of spasticity on left hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 50% (0.51) and the control group was 57% (0.57). The hand function on right hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 64% (0.84) and the control group was 52% (1.07). The level of spasticity on right hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 45% (0.8) and the control group was 54% (0.9). Thus the mean percentage scores show that there is a positive difference in the level of spasticity and hand function among children with cerebral palsy. t test for independent samples is used to test the significance in mean difference among the experimental and control groups. The calculated t value on the level of spasticity, the right hand score (0.33) and left hand score (1.26) are lesser than the table value at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated t value on hand function, the right hand score (1.62) and left hand score (0.38) are lesser than the table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis, There is a no significant difference between experimental group and control group in the level of spasticity and hand function before cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy is accepted. 4.3.2. ANALYSIS ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY Using ashworth scale, the level of spasticity and hand function among the children with cerebral palsy was assessed in both experimental and control group. The assessment was done for both the hands. The obtained scores are analyzed using t test dependent samples, to test the effectiveness of cryotherapy prior to passive stretching. TABLE 4.6. MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, t VALUE ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION (ON RIGHT HAND) BEFORE AND AFTER CRYOTHERAPY (N=30) Group Level of spasticity Hand Function Before After Mean difference t Before After Mean difference t Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Experimental 2.26 0.57 1.13 0.5 1.13 10.41** 3.2 0.8 1.86 0.7 1.33 9.8** Control 2.3 0.3 2.2 0.7 0.13 1.46 2.6 1.07 2.6 1.01 0.06 0.74 ** Significant at 0.01 level The above table reveals the distribution of mean and standard deviation of the obtained scores before and after cryotherapy among experimental group and control group children with cerebral palsy. The level of spasticity among experimental group showed a mean difference of 1.17 while there was mild difference in the control group. Thus the mean score in the level of spasticity shows that there was a positive difference in the reduction of spasticity among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. Hand function of the experimental group showed a mean difference of 1.33 and the control group mean difference is about 0.06 Thus the mean scores show that there is a positive improvement in hand function among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. t test was used to test the significance in mean difference. The calculated t value on the level of spasticity in the experimental group was 10.4 which was compared with the table value at 0.01 level of significance. The calculated t value on hand function in the experimental group was 9.8 which was compared with the table value at 0.01 level of significance. The calculated value was higher than the table value. Hence the research hypothesis, There is a significant difference in the level of spasticity and hand function before and after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group is accepted. The calculated t value in control group on the level of spasticity was 1.46 and hand function was about 0.7 which was found to be lesser than the table value. Therefore the null hypothesis, There is no significant difference in the level of spasticity and hand function before and after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy of control group is accepted. Thus the mean value reveals that cryotherapy prior to passive stretching was effective in reducing the level of spasticty and improving hand function among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. TABLE 4.7. MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, t VALUE ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION (ON LEFT HAND) BEFORE AND AFTER CRYOTHERAPY (N=30) Group Level of spasticity Hand Function Before After Mean difference t Before After Mean difference t Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Experimental 2 0.51 1.13 0.34 0.86 9.5** 3.1 0.83 1.7 0.61 1.4 8.57** Control 2.26 0.57 2 0.63 0.2 1.87 2.7 0.97 2.53 0.9 0.2 1.87 ** Significant at 0.01 level The above table reveals the distribution of mean and standard deviation of the obtained scores before and after cryotherapy among experimental group and control group children with cerebral palsy. The level of spasticity among experimental group showed a mean difference of 0.86 while there was mild difference in control group. Thus the mean score in the level of spasticity shows that there was a positive difference in the reduction of spasticity among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. Hand function of the experimental group showed a mean difference of 1.4 and while there was 0.2 mean difference in the control group. Thus the mean scores show that there is a positive improvement in hand function among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. t test was used to test the significance in mean difference. The calculated t value on the level of spasticity in the experimental group was 9.5 which was compared with the table value at 0.01 level of significance. The calculated t value on hand function in the experimental group was 8.57 which were compared with the table value at 0.01 level of significance. The calculated value was higher than the table value. Hence the research hypothesis, There is a significant difference in the level of spasticity and hand function before and after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group is accepted. The calculated t value in control group on the level of spasticity was 1.87 and hand function was about 1.87 which was found to be lesser than the table value. Therefore the null hypothesis, There is no significant difference in the level of spasticity and hand function before and after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy is accepted. Thus the mean value reve als that cryotherapy prior to passive stretching was effective in reducing the level of spasticity and improving hand function among children with cerebral palsy of experimental group. FIG 4.4 COMPARISON ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY BEFORE AND AFTER INTERVENTION OF EXPERIMENTAL GROUP AND CONTROL GROUP FIG 4.5. COMPARISON ON HAND FUNCTION BEFORE AND AFTER INTERVENTION OF EXPERIMENTAL GROUP AND CONTROL GROUP 4.3.3. COMPARISON ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP AFTER INTERVENTION After intervention, assessment on the level of spasticity and hand function was done among experimental and control group. The obtained scores were comparatively analyzed using t test for independent samples, to prove the effectiveness of the intervention TABLE 4.8. COMPARISON ON THE LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY IN EXPERIMENTAL GROUP AND CONTROL GROUP AFTER INTERVENTION Group Level of spasticity Hand function Right Hand Left Hand Right Hand Left Hand Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Mean Mean % Standard Deviation t Experimental 1.13 28 0.5 4.8** 1.13 28 0.34 4.5** 1.86 37 0.71 2.74* 1.7 34 0.61 3.53* Control 2.2 55 0.7 2 50 0.6 2.6 52 1 2.5 51 0.9 * Significant at 0.05 level The above table depicts the obtained t value calculated for the level of spasticity and hand function of experimental group and control group after intervention. The level of spasticity on right hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 28% (0.5) and the control group was 55% (0.7). The level of spasticity on left hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 28% (0.34) and the control group was 50% (0.6). The hand function on right hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 37% (0.71) and the control group was 52% (1). The hand function on left hand of children among experimental group the mean percentage score was 34% (0.6) and the control group was 51% (0.9). Thus the mean percentage scores show that there is a positive difference in the level of spasticity and hand function among children with cerebral palsy. t test for independent samples is used to test the significance in mean difference among the experimental and control groups. The calculated t value on the level of spasticity, the right hand score (4.87) and left hand score (4.5) are higher than the table value at 0.01 level of significance. The calculated t value on hand function, the right hand score (2.74) and left hand score (3.53) are higher than the table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the hypothesis, There is a significant difference between experimental group and control group in the level of spasticity and hand function after cryotherapy among children with cerebral palsy is accepted. This proves that, cryotherapy prior to passive stretching has its influence in reduction of spasticity and improvement in hand function. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The study was conducted at Families for Children, Coimbatore, with the focus on determining the effectiveness of cryotherapy prior to passive stretching on the level of spasticity and hand function among children with cerebral palsy. The samples of the study were 30 children with spastic cerebral palsy at Families for Children, and they were randomly allocated to experimental and control group. Cryotherapy was applied prior to passive stretching, to reduce the level of spasticity and improve hand function. To assess the level of spasticity and hand function, the researcher used Ashworth Scale and Zancolli classification hand function scale. The intervention was provided for 20 minutes prior to passive stretching for 10 days. The pretest score and post test scores were compared. The findings are discussed under the following headings. 5.1. FINDINGS RELATED TO DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE 5.1.1. Age Distribution In the present study, out of 30 samples, 15 children were randomly assigned to experimental group and 15 children were assigned to control group. Age distribution in experimental group revealed that, majority of children with spastic cerebral palsy (47 %) were between 12-15 years of age, 33% were between 9-12 years and 20 % were between 6-9 years. Age distribution in control group revealed that, majority of children (47 %) were between 9-12 years, 33% were between 6-9 years and 20% were between 12-15 years. Boyd RN (2012) conducted an interventional study by providing progressive resistance training for CP children (between the age group of 6-15 years) who are ambulatory in order to improve muscle strength. The study findings showed improvement in muscle strength though there was no change in the walking ability. 5.1.2. Gender Distribution Gender distribution of children showed that, majority of children was females in both experimental (67 %) and control (73 %) group. A study on effectiveness of neuromuscular electrical stimulation over cryotherapy along with passive stretching as a common protocol on improving hand function in patients with spastic cerebral palsy by Devidas S Patil (2011) showed that, improvement of hand function was seen in both male and female children. 5.1.3. Type of Cerebral palsy Assessment on the type of cerebral palsy showed that, majority of children were quadriplegic in both experimental (67 %) and control (53%) group. A study on efficacy of cold therapy on spasticity and hand function in children with cerebral palsy by Gehan et al.,(2010) revealed that, cryotherapy was effective in reducing spasticity and improving hand function in both diplegic and quadriplegic children. 5.2. ASSESSMENT OF LEVEL OF SPASTICITY AND HAND FUNCTION AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY The children with the diagnosis of mild and moderate spastic cerebral palsy were selected for the study. The level of spasticity was measured using Ashworth scale. The tool is a 5 point scale in which the researcher extends the limb from the maximal flexion to maximal extension until the soft resistance is felt. The child limb moved through its full range of motion with one second by counting one thousand and one. The level of resistance felt is scored using 5 point scale. Hand function was assessed using Zancolli classification hand function scale in which the researcher assesses the degree of flexion and extension in the wrist and finger flexors by using goniometer. The degree of responses was scored as 0, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3. Akinbo et. al., (2007) conducted a similar study on effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and cryotherapy on spasticity and hand function. A quasi experimental pretest posttest control design was adopted in the study with sample size of 20. The level of spasticity was assessed using Ashworth scale in which the patient limb was extended from the maximal flexion to maximal extension until the soft resistance is felt. Hand function was assessed using zancolli classification hand function scale. The degree of flexion and extension was assessed using goniometer. 5.3. ADMINISTER CRYOTHERAPY PRIOR TO PASSIVE STRETCHING AMONG CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY After assessing the level of spasticity and hand function, Cryotherapy was administered prior to passive stretching. The child is placed in a supine position with upper limb supported on a pillow. The area is cleansed with spirit and cotton. The wrapped ice pack is placed on the flexor compartment of the forearm for 20 minutes and then dried. Then the child had passive st
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Illy coffee Essay
Is one of the ten best companies in the coffee industry in Europe. It was founded in1933 by Francesco Illy, and in 1994 was given over to Andrea Illy. Since its formation, Illy Caffeââ¬â¢s main goal was to deliver the best quality coffee to its customers. Th e company wascareful when choosing its suppliers and always made sure it receives the best quality coffeebeans. However, after the last CEO has joined the company in 1994, Illy Caffe decided to changeits strategy and to become more responsible in the area of its business. The circumstances, whichthe coffee industry appeared to be under in 1989, was the first step toward the strategic changesmade in some companies, like Illy Caffe. Now, Illy Caffe buys highest-quality Arabica beansdirectly from Brazil, Central America, India, and Africa. The company has restructured itssupply chain completely, and has brought many innovations into the coffee industry in Brazil,making it the exporter of the best-quality coffee beans grower and producer in the world. Thefollowing paper aims at analyzing the changes made in Illy Caffe in 1989 and identifying the key issues and their potential solutions in the companyââ¬â¢s new strategy. Changes in Illy Caffeââ¬â¢s supply chain describes the strategy and its benefits In 1989 Illy Caffeââ¬â¢s management decided to change its supply chain from a regular one to adirect purchasing. The quality of the coffee played a significant role in Illy Caffeââ¬â¢s business.Companyââ¬â¢s CEO and managers believed that coffee loses its quality after going th rough differentstages in the supply process. They believed that the more intermediaries they would have, theworse would be the quality of their coffee. Therefore, changing this situation through refusing tohave a single intermediary appeared to be the most appropriate thing to do. Illy Caffe became thefirst company in the coffee industry, which started buying directly from farmers. In return tohigh premiums, company expected to receive higher quality coffee beans from Braziliangrowers. Brazil was the largest producer of coffee at that time, however, had poor reputationbecause of the bad quality of their products. Illy Caffe was aware of the situation in Brazil,however, it could find required amount of growers only in that country. The company, therefore,decided to teach Brazilian farmers, how to become its suppliers. Since Illy Caffe was good atinnovation throughout its existence, it found a good way to attract coffee growers (not only fromBrazil but from all over the world) and to make them produce higher-quality coffee. The Illycaffe Brazil Quality Espresso Coffee Award was designed in order to find companyââ¬â¢s potential suppliers among the farmers from Brazil. The main idea of this project was to create afeeling of mutual benefit from the partnership and to motivate growers to start producing higher-quality goods. Getting an award and winning a competition meant receiving a good opportunityfor the company in the future. The project became very successful, and hundreds of Brazilian farmers were accepted toparticipate in it. Illy Caffe succeeded in finding good producers and to make them become even better through selecting them among other participants to become companyââ¬â¢s long -term partners.Illy Caffe wanted to make sure its relationship with Brazilian partners would be strong and longlasting.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Fools Guide to Samples of Narrative Essay about a Family Member Sacrifice
A Fool's Guide to Samples of Narrative Essay about a Family Member Sacrifice Reading example essays works exactly the same way! When the essay is written it is critical that the author revises it. Like the other essays, a family essay also has to be written in a certain format, in a structured method. As any other academic assignment, your private essay needs to be flawless in regards to grammar and punctuation. School life in France are really different from schools in the usa. Luke gives away the possibility of going to teachers' college. We'd been dating for a couple years when he got work in Dallas. I truly miss my grandparents once I get returned to my residence. After a great deal of time, Oganda realizes that there's no other choice than to make this excellent sacrifice. There are a lot of benefits and pitfalls of the joint family that I have mentioned below. You must look out for your team, not only react to whatever is coming at you in the present time. If you're in college you're in for both big and smaller surprises. The Samples of Narrative Essay about a Family Member Sacrifice Chronicles Giving up all the earnings is warranted by these kinds of conditions. I started to comprehend how other families function and why I now have a better appreciation of different families' anxiety. There are situations when giving all earning is the sole option left for a relative. Gone are the times when an individual would drag their feet in the understand that the elongated family is there to stand up for them. As stated above this might be personal or about a friend or close relative. When a relative passes on and it's one that you get a close bond with it is quite hard to cope with. It wasn't uncommon for lengthy family members to reside in close proximity to one another, if not under the identical roof. The Secret to Samples of Narrative Essay about a Family Member Sacrifice In general, tattoos aren't the thing to do to expressing uniqueness and individuality. Finding a tattoo for this purpose can look like hazing. That's why she resolutely sacrifices her education and remain with Robert. Teachers make an indescribable part concerning the sacrifice they make. But what students don't understand is they do not need to share such personal issues within the limits of a university essay. Some students find it tough to write about themselves, while some find it simpler to talk about their private life, as opposed to researching an assigned topic. There's every chance of knowing something unusual as soon as you read all sacrifice essay materials. It's possible to even get a good deal of information by reading a good deal of sacrifice essay on the web. If you're worried about the plagiarism issue, we provide you detailed plagiarism report so that you are able to see it on your own. Students that are loaded with the job of completing projects on sacrifice can look online for ideas on writing sacrifice essay. The Downside Risk of Samples of Narrative Essay about a Family Member Sacrifice It is not easy to imagine how life was before the era of modern-day technology. I used to not fulfill the scary things which I had managed to accumulate in my head. It sticks around for one hour, perhaps an evening. I was never able to stay for over a couple of hours every day. She gives special services to the grandparents and kids along with always helps poor and needy folks in the society. To summarize, my teacher is a unique person in my life. Parents, on the flip side, will always supply the utmost truth readily available to their little one. My parents are the sole members of the world who will want me to attain the highest. At the root of it's fear that someone else is likely to leave me. I'd invite people I like to join me. They're also the only folks who will tell me the truth about what is going on in my life and the way to deal with this. Yearning to differ from several other people can be readily solved by wearing different attire besides tattoos.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How Successful Was Lenins Attempt to Create an...
How successful was Leninââ¬â¢s attempt to create an alternative modernity in Russia by 1929? Overview The aim of this essay is to discuss how successful Leninââ¬â¢s policies were in his attempt to create an alternative modernity in Russia by his death in 1924. By scrutinizing his actions and their individual impacts in relation to the desired modernity, historians can assess whether Lenin achieved the socialist dream he sought for. I will break down the essay into three components from which I can individually conclude their successfulness as an alternative modernity. These shall be established in the introduction. Introduction The introduction will firstly discuss the crisis of modernity in the inter-war period in order to put Leninââ¬â¢s riseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In this case practical needs were judged more important than ideological needs as reversal of many reforms concerning women were deemed essential to the regimes survival. Other cultural revolts that must be assessed include the attitude and dealings with the Orthodox Church, the use of arts and popular culture and the rise of propaganda. Conclusion The conclusion will state that Lenin did create of form of modernity that was different from anything politics had ever seen and that he did enjoy variations of success in comparison to the state of tsar ruled Russia, however this success was often limited and short lived. Lenin had to adapt his Marxist beliefs many times in order to make them a feasible option for Russia. Indeed, he did successfully create an alternative modernity but he failed to obtain the socialist utopia which was his ultimate goal as practical want trumped the ideological battle. The quest for an alternative modernity was never meant to happen in Leninââ¬â¢s lifetime, he was merely the instigator for what he hoped would develop into his idea of a perfect community. In this light, historians must conclude that Lenin was successful in achieving the starting point from which a utopia could
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